Reflections on Botox

The effects of Botox can typically last 7-9 months, but I’ve heard it takes longer to build up to that amount of relief (ie, one must have multiple treatments for it to last that long). After my first Botox treatment in April, the effects lasted a short 3 weeks. But...

A Visit to the Dermatologist

Today I had a full body skin exam to check for signs of skin cancer and to have any potential problem areas biopsied. This is the first time I’ve had such an exam, and I’m glad I did it. I had never been to this particular dermatologist before, so I was already...

My Botox Adventure

The injection locations are marked on my hand. The completed markings on my left hand, all 86 of them. My right hand. The nurse used a vibrator right before the doctor injected, while at the same time using ice and pressure. The vibrator tricks the brain into sending...

Discovering I Had Hyperhidrosis: Part 1

I can’t remember ever not sweating. As early as 3rd grade was when I became acutely aware that I had wet hands and other kids didn’t. In math class, the teacher would do timed multiplication tests. The first student to stand up from his or her desk was the winner....