My Sweaty Stories
A Hyperhidrosis-Dedicated Dance
Remember when I told you about celebrity Elena Levon and how she linked to my blog and said I inspired her? Well, she emailed me the other day with the subject line "This is for you darling!" What I opened from my inbox was a lovely, inspiring surprise. Elena has made...
Trip to Martha’s Vineyard, MA
I last left you with my post about the eulogy of Sandy Bristoll. After I gave her eulogy in June, it wasn't until September that I could say my final goodbyes to her. Sandy lived on Martha's Vineyard, MA for a time. It was there where she felt truly at home and where...
New Blog Design
Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I'm still going through a huge growth period in my life, and quite honestly, I haven't been in the right frame of mind to write anything worthwhile. I did update my blog design, however. Please bear with me as I iron...
Thompson Tee Special Offer Nov. 25 – Dec. 2
Now that winter has arrived, at least in my neck of the woods, I dread having to wear jackets. They make me hot and sweaty most of the time, so I find myself choosing to freeze when I run errands. Who wants to carry around a big coat inside the mall or the grocery...
Love Wide — The Eulogy of Sandy Bristoll
Here is the eulogy I wrote and delivered at Sandy's Celebration of Life service (please read my post about hyperhidrosis and public speaking if you haven't already). The themes you'll read about below also can be applied to life with hyperhidrosis. The universe works...
Hyperhidrosis and Public Speaking
Sorry to leave you hanging with my last post, Around Here Lately, where I mentioned I did some public speaking. Remember when my dear friend Sandy passed away in April? If you missed that post, please catch up. It's called I'll Love You Long After You're Gone. My...
The Thompson Tee – Limited Time Offer
Greetings, sweaty peeps. If you haven't tried The Thompson Tee for excessive underarm sweating, now is the time to do so. The company is running a limited introductory offer of 10 percent off (until October 14) on their new black tees, available for both men and...
Around Here Lately
Sorry I've been MIA on my blog. I'm smack in the middle of a huge transition period in my life and am dealing with a lot of personal growth and change, which I may or may not choose to discuss here. I also am in the middle of a grief cycle after the loss of my dear...