by My Life as a Puddle | Jun 11, 2012 | Hyperhidrosis, other adventures
I went to Ithaca, New York to attend the college graduation of my dear friend and “surrogate brother” Danny. We’ve known each other for a long time. My mom was pregnant with my little sister at the same time Danny’s mom was pregnant with him. I...
by My Life as a Puddle | Apr 9, 2012 | Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge, Hyperhidrosis
(This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days. You can learn more about it here: Today’s prompt was to write, either in script style...
by My Life as a Puddle | Jul 20, 2011 | Hyperhidrosis
My freshman year of college, I started using the Internet on a regular basis for school and research purposes. One day I was surfing the ‘net and randomly decided to Google “excessive sweating.” Low and behold, a slew of sites populated the screen, and there I was...