I Have a Logo!

by Oct 22, 2017Hyperhidrosis0 comments

After writing this blog for six years, I finally decided it was time to step it up and get a logo. I’ve had an idea for one for awhile, so allow me to explain the design. Oprah always asks before beginning a project or a business meeting, “What is the intention?” Wise advice I myself try to follow when approaching anything new.

My intention with this blog is to create hyperhidrosis hope and awareness one drop at a time.

So when I started thinking about a visual representation for what it is I do, the image of hands holding a droplet of water came to mind. The hands are pointed up and out as my offering to the world. Each time I write or speak about hyperhidrosis I ask myself, How can I serve? By sharing my sweaty story, it creates a ripple effect out into the world, just like skipping a stone across a lake. When we’re brave enough to tell our story, the ripple effects may touch people we’ll never even know.

It is my hope that I will know more of you very soon. Stay tuned for my next blog post about how I plan to do that. It’s super exciting, I promise! Until then, here is my logo debut. Drum roll, please…


My Life as a Puddle logo

Ta-da! I finally have a logo.

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