Exciting news! I’ve been selected as a Breakthrough Crew Ambassador for Clara Health. Clara’s mission is to help people seek out and access breakthrough clinical trials. If you’ve never participated in a clinical trial before, the process can be daunting, especially for those who are extremely ill and may require additional assistance, such as transportation to and from the trial site.
Clara helps patients and caregivers navigate the clinical trials process, reducing an overwhelming feeling when so many are already burdened by their health situations. Clara brings clarity to the newest treatment options and helps patients feel more empowered and less alone, which is something I try to do every day with my blog.
You, too?
You’ll never believe this. When I had my kickoff call with Lilly, the Head of Patient Advocacy, she told me she wished she would have found me when she was younger. Why? Because she has hyperhidrosis! Hers is better controlled now, but she confided in me that it was really bad when she was younger. All it takes for connection to occur is for one person to be brave enough to speak up.
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~ C.S. Lewis
Advocacy Ahead
I’m looking forward to working with Clara to bring access and awareness to breakthrough clinical trials. Not only will I be advocating for hyperhidrosis but for ulcerative colitis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, two autoimmune conditions that I also have. A trifecta of medical conditions, but I won’t let them get me down.
I may have my bad moments, but those moments don’t have me.