The Day My Car Died

The day before I left town to go on vacation, my car completely crapped out. After I pulled out of my garage, I got out of my car to take the trash can down to the curb. As I was walking back toward my car I thought the engine sounded kind of funny, but I blew it off...

Hyperhidrosis in the News

A short video on antiperspirants and other sweaty information. (Please ignore the parts where Natalie Morales mispronounces the word hyperhidrosis and the screen flashes the wrong URL for the IHHS website. ;-)) Hyperhidrosis and Antiperspirants

My First-Ever Massage

I’ve always been too afraid to get a massage because of my hyperhidrosis. I worry about being too sweaty and dripping all over the massage table, grossing out the masseuse, grossing out myself because I hate my body and can’t control it, and not being able to relax...