Sweaty Job Interviews (part 1)

53 applications. That’s how many jobs I’ve applied for in the last 3 months. You should see the spreadsheet I created to keep track of all of them in case I am audited by the Department of Labor while I collect unemployment benefits. It’s even color coded: red for...

Help Prevent Internet Censorship

There is new legislation being proposed that will censor the free exchange of information over the Internet. This includes being able to link back to information on other sites and may even result in sites like Facebook monitoring everything its users do. This is not...

Stepping Outside of My Box

This year I joined the women’s tea committee for the 8th annual women’s tea event at my church. I was in charge of publicity for the event (postcards, signage, programs, social media, music, etc.) I’d never done anything like this before, but I love tea, so when I...