by My Life as a Puddle | Jun 30, 2019 | Guest Post, Hyperhidrosis
(Above Image Credit: Oakie @jetcityninja) Please welcome Erin for my next guest post. Thank you, Erin, for having the courage to share your story. Welcome to the sweaty tribe. My name is Erin, and I live in Seattle. I have hyperhidrosis on multiple parts of my body,...
by My Life as a Puddle | Jun 23, 2019 | Hyperhidrosis, WEGOHealth Awards
What Are the WEGO Health Awards? The WEGO Health Awards were created by the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network as a way to recognize patient leaders for the tireless work they do to advocate for health conditions and raise awareness, collaborate with healthcare...
by My Life as a Puddle | Jun 2, 2019 | Guest Post, Hyperhidrosis
Meet Anonymous, 27, from New Jersey. She is a brave soul with hyperhidrosis who has chosen to share her sweaty story on My Life as a Puddle. I want my blog to be a safe space for those who find me, which is why this guest post is anonymous. Going public about our...
by My Life as a Puddle | May 5, 2019 | Hyperhidrosis
How often do we avoid things that would be good for our health or help us to practice self care? I almost didn’t go through with what you see in these pictures below from the Wunder Life Gut Check Summit. Walking up to a massage booth and signing up for a 20 minute...
by My Life as a Puddle | Mar 31, 2019 | Guest Post, Hyperhidrosis
I met Marta last month. She, too, has hyperhidrosis and basically lives in my backyard. She found me on Instagram and sent me a DM to ask for tips and tricks on how to cope with wedding day hyperhidrosis. I suggested we meet in person, and we had the best time! Marta...