by My Life as a Puddle | Nov 2, 2019 | Hyperhidrosis, Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month
Please welcome my very special friend Jess from Liverpool, England. She is six years old and has hyperhidrosis, and she might be the youngest hyperhidrosis advocate in the world. Jess’ parents, Hayley and Kevin, submitted their story to my blog last year. Right...
by My Life as a Puddle | Oct 31, 2019 | Hyperhidrosis, Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month
Ahh, the blustery breeze and falling leaves signal the start of my favorite season, fall, which means I sweat less since it’s cooler. It also ushers in Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month (#HhAM) during the month of November. This year, let’s Stand Together to...
by My Life as a Puddle | Oct 15, 2019 | Guest Post, Hyperhidrosis
Please welcome Dawn (45) from South Carolina to the sweaty tribe. She is a brave soul with hyperhidrosis who has chosen to share her sweaty story on Going public about our sweaty secret can be scary, but using our sweaty voices is the bravest...
by My Life as a Puddle | Oct 13, 2019 | Hyperhidrosis
I almost didn’t post this because it’s so embarrassing. This is what the exam table at my dermatologist’s office looked like when I stood up after my appointment. How many people avoid getting the health care they need because hyperhidrosis – a health...
by My Life as a Puddle | Sep 17, 2019 | Guest Post, Hyperhidrosis
Please welcome Ingrid from France to the sweaty tribe. She is a brave soul with hyperhidrosis who has chosen to share her sweaty story on Going public about our sweaty secret can be scary, but using our sweaty voices is the bravest thing we will...