What Are the WEGO Health Awards?
The WEGO Health Awards were created by the WEGO Health Patient Leader Network as a way to recognize patient leaders for the tireless work they do to advocate for health conditions and raise awareness, collaborate with healthcare companies and more.
Since its inception in 2011, the WEGO Health Awards have proven to be one of the best ways to connect the healthcare industry with top patient influencers. The WEGO Health Awards offers a way to introduce new Patient Leaders to the online community, and to allow network members the opportunity to recognize and say “thank you” to the leaders they look up to.
I Need Your Help
I’ll admit it’s sometimes difficult for me to ask others for help. But I’m asking you today.
If the work I am doing to raise awareness about hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) has touched you in some way, I ask you to please consider nominating me for a WEGO Health Award. It will take just a few minutes of your time.
I’ve been nominated three times – in 2012, 2017 and 2018. This year, I’m hoping to create even more awareness about a condition that affects so many. And many of you are suffering in silence. We need to change that.
There are several categories in the WEGO Health Awards. I’m hoping to be nominated for Best in Show: Blog, as blogging is really my bread and butter (even though I follow a Paleo nutrition plan and no longer eat bread due to ulcerative colitis). 😉 Other categories I might qualify for could be Best Kept Secret or Patient Leader Hero. Descriptions for each category are listed on the WEGO Health website.
Why Nominate Me?
Here’s the deal. The WEGO Health Awards are not about me. They’re about YOU and all the other sweaty people in the world who hate their bodies, have never sought help or treatment, or maybe don’t even know that all this sweating they’re doing is a recognized medical condition.

If I am nominated – and heck, maybe even win – this award is a trophy for all of us. It helps further raise awareness about hyperhidrosis, a condition that can be mentally, emotionally, socially and professionally debilitating.
Winners also receive a trip to healthcare’s largest conference in Las Vegas this fall. That’s right – I will gladly stand on stage and sweat on behalf of the 365 million people worldwide who suffer from hyperhidrosis.
So please, grab a towel, wipe off your sweaty hands and nominate me so that I can continue to create hyperhidrosis hope and awareness one drop at a time. Thank you!
If the nomination form asks for my email address, it’s mylifeasapuddle[at]gmail.com; under the condition section you can mark “skin disease” or “rare condition” as hyperhidrosis is not listed in the form.
Click here to nominate me for the 2019 WEGO Health Awards
Leave me a comment below and let me know if you nominated me. I’d love to be able to say thank you!